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List of former World Championship Wrestling personnel

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This is a list of professional wrestlers and personalities that performed in World Championship Wrestling from 1988 to 2001. They are listed in alphabetical order by last name. For alumni of pre-WWE promotion Jim Crockett Promotions, see List of former Jim Crockett Promotions personnel.

Deceased individuals are indicated with a dagger (†).


Birth Name: Ring Name(s): Tenure(s):
David Abbott Tank Abbott 1999 2000
Brian Adams Brian Adams 1998 2001
Christopher Adams Chris Adams 1997 1999
Michael Alfonso Mike Awesome 2000 2001
Randall Alls Randy Rose 1988 1989
Chae An Nitro Girl Chae 1997 2000
Samula Anoa'i Samu 1989 1990
Bradley Anderson Brad Anderson 1989-1990 1994
Chiquita Anderson Nitro Girl Chiquita 2000 2001
Randall Anderson Pee Wee Anderson 1988 1999
Steven Anderson [n 1] "Stunning" Steve Austin 1991 1995
Frank Andersson Frank Andersson 1989 1990
Scott Antol Scott Studd
Scotty Riggs
1993 1999
Yoshihiro Asai Último Dragón 1996 1998
Christopher Ashford-Smith Yoshi Kwan
Chris Champion
1987-1988 1993
Mark Ashford-Smith Mark Starr 1993–1994 1995–1998
Kimberly Bacon Kimberly Page
Booty Babe
Diamond Doll
1994 2000
Marcus Bagwell Buff Bagwell 1991 2001
Jennifer Bancale Nitro Girl Sapphire
Nitro Girl Starr
2000 2001
Juan Baños Lizmark Jr. 1997 1999
Thomas Barrett Tommy Angel 1988 1991
Douglas Becker Adam Flash 1995 1995
James Bednarski Scott Putski 1988 1998-1999
Stephanie Bellars Gorgeous George 1998 1999
Melissa Bellin Nitro Girl Spice 1997 2000
Christopher Benoit Chris Benoit 1992–1993 1995–2000
Scott Bigelow Bam Bam Bigelow 1988–1989 1990
Richard Blood Ricky Steamboat 1977-1985 1989
Terri Boatwright Alexandra York 1988 1991
Michael Bollea Horace Hogan 1998 2000
Terry Bollea "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan 1994 2000
Steve Borden Sting 1986 1987-2001
Thomas Boric Haito 1994 1994
Todd Bradford Todd Champion 1986-1987 1991-1993
Thomas Brandi Johnny Gunn 1994 1995
William Brenneman Jerry Flynn 1996 2000
Chad Brock Chad Brock 1994 1996
Robert Brooks Robbie Brookside 1997 1997
Jason Broyles Jason Jett 2001 2001
Denny Brown Denny Brown 1993 1994-1997
DeWayne Bruce Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
Braun the Leprechaun
Jack Boot
DeWayne Bruce
1989 2001
Joseph Bruce Violent J 1999 2000
Terry Brunk Sabu 1995 1995
Tylene Buck Major Gunns 1999 2001
Ronald Bustamante Boom Boom Busti 1995 1997
Teri Byrne Nitro Girl Fyre 1997 1999
Bradley Cain Lodi/Idol/Rave 1997 2000
Mark Caloway Mean Mark
Mean Mark Callous
1989 1990
David Canal Cuban Assassin
Fidel Sierra
El Diablo
El Cubano
David Sierra
Fidel Barrio
The Terrorist
Top Gun
1978-1980 1982
Christopher Candito Chris Candido 2000 2000
Ray Canty Ray Candy 1981 1984-1986
Mark Canterbury Mark Canterbury
Shanghai Pierce
1992 1994
Leonard Carlson Lane Carlson
Lenny Lane
1997 2000
Leonardo Carrera Damien
1996 1999
Sean Casey Steve Casey
K.C. Sunshine
1995 1997
David Cash Cash 2001 2001
Paul Centopani Paul Roma 1993 1995
Masahiro Chono Masahiro Chono 1991-1992 1994-1998
Bryan Clark Nightstalker
Bryan Clark
1990-1991 1997-2001
Kent and Keith Cole The Cole Twins 1993 1994
Randall Colley Moondog Rex
Randy Colley
Black Scorpion
Dr. X
Deadeye Dick
The Shadow
1976 1983
Dennis Condrey Dennis Condrey 1988 1989
Bob Cook Bob Cook 1989 1994
Adam Copeland Damon Striker 1996 1996
Richard Cornell Rick Cornell
1999 2001
James Cornette Jim Cornette 1985 1990
Thomas Couch Tommy Rogers 1986 1988-1989
Daniel Covell Christopher Daniels 2000 2001
James Cox James Storm 2000 2000
Jamie Cragwall Nitro Girl Naughty-A 2000 2001
Amy Crawford Nitro Girl A.C. Jazz 1997 1999
Ann-Marie Crooks Midnight 1999 2000
James Cruikshanks J. C. Ice 1999 2000
Rebecca Curci Nitro Girl Whisper 1997 1999
John Czawlytko Big Bad John
Max Muscle
1993 1997
Joseph D'Acquisto Roadblock 1996 1998
Christopher Daniels Christopher Daniels 2000 2001
William Dannenhauer Jr. The Equalizer
Dave Sullivan
Evad Sullivan
1991 1993-1996
Barry Darsow Krusher Khrushchev
Barry Darsow
Blacktop Bully
1984-1987 1994-1995
Ian Dean Doc Dean 1997 1998
William DeMott II Hugh Morrus
Man of Question
Captain Rection
General Rection
1995 2001
Dina DeStefano Marie
Marie Lograsso
2000 2001
Raymundo Díaz Villano V 1996 2000
Tomas Díaz Villano IV 1996 2000
Theodore DiBiase Ted DiBiase 1996 1999
Scott Dickinson Scott Dickinson 1996 2001
David DiMeglio Dino Casanova 1995 1995
Katherine Dingman Papaya 2000 2000
Nicholas Dinsmore Nick Dinsmore 1998 1999
Stephen DiSalvo The Minotaur 1990 1991
Alfred Dobalo Al Green
The Blade Hunter
Master Blaster Blade
The Dog
1989-1991 1993
Steve Doll Steve Doll 1996 1996
Joseph Dorgan Johnny Swinger 1995 1997-1999
James Duggan Jr. Jim Duggan 1994 2001
Robert Duncam Jr. Bobby Duncum, Jr. 1998 2000
Michael Durham Johnny Rotten
Johnny Grunge
1988 1990
Robert Eaton Bobby Eaton
Robert Earl Eaton
1981 1985-2000
Paul Ellering Paul Ellering 1986 1990
Michael Enos The Masked Skyscraper
The Mauler
Mike Enos
1990 1996-1999
Carlos Espada Konnan 1990 1996–2001
Lance Evers Lance Storm 2000 2001
Sidney Eudy Sid Vicious 1989-1991 1993
Lou Fabiano Lou Fabiano 1991 1992
Page Falkinberg Jr. Diamond Dallas Page 1991–1992 1993–2001
Jeffrey Farmer nWo Sting
1993 1995–1997
Solofa Fatu Jr. Fatu 1989 1990
Samuel Fatu The Samoan Savage 1989 1990
Raymond Fernandez Assassin #2
Super Invader
1983-1984 1992
Edward Ferrara Oklahoma 1999 2001
David Ferrier Jimmy Backlund
Jimmy Graffiti
Jim Richland
1985 1987
Wayne Ferris Honky Tonk Man 1994 1994
Tonga Fifita Meng 1994 2001
David Finlay Jr. Belfast Bruiser
Fit Finlay
1996 2001
David Fliehr David Flair 1998 2001
Richard Fliehr [n 2] Ric Flair 1974–1991 1993–1998
Michael Foley Cactus Jack 1989–1990 1991–1994
Christopher Ford Devon Storm
1996-1997 1999-2001
Chad Fortune Chad Fortune 1997 1999
Domingo Fuentes Mascarita Sagrada 1996 1996
Richard Fuller Rick Fuller 1997 2000
James Fullington Hardcore Hak 1999 1999
Allan Funk Alan Funk
Triple A
Kwee Wee
1999 2001
Terrance Funk Terry Funk 1971-1973 1975-1976
Douglas Furnas Doug Furnas 1990 1990
Jeffrey Gann The Gambler
Jeff Gamble
1990 1999
Rafael García Super Caló 1996 1999
James Gibson James Gibson
Jamie Howard
Jamie Knoble
1999 2001
Douglas Gilbert Doug Gilbert 1989 1989
Thomas Gilbert, Jr. Eddie Gilbert 1987 1990
Glenn Gilberti Disco Inferno
Hip Hop Inferno
1995 2001
James Golden Bunkhouse Buck 1994 1997
William Goldberg Bill Goldberg 1997 2001
Joe Gomez Alan Iron Eagle
Joe Gomez
1990–1991 1996–1999
César González Silver King 1992 1997-2000
Eduardo González Juventud Guerrera 1996 2000
Jorge González El Gigante 1988 1992
Terry Gordy Terry Gordy 1981-1982 1984
George Gray One Man Gang 1982-1984 1986-1987
Richard Greene † Johnny Attitude 1996 1999
Nora Greenwald Miss Madness
Starla Saxton
1999 2000
Peter Gruner Kid Flash
Billy Cannon
Billy Kidman
1996 2001
Salvador Guerrero IV Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Lieutenant Loco
1996 2001
Eduardo Guerrero Eddie Guerrero 1989/1991 1995–2000
Héctor Guerrero Hector Guerrero
Lazer Tron
1986-1987 1989-1990
Óscar Gutiérrez El Nino
Rey Misterio, Jr.
Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1996 2001
Roberto Gutiérrez El Dandy 1997 2000
Emory Hale Emory Hail
The Machine
1998 2000
Sean Haire Sean O'Haire 2000 2001
Scott Hall Diamond Studd
Scott Hall
Nicholas Hamilton Jr. Nick Hamilton
Nick Patrick
1988 2001
John S. Hansen Stan Hansen 1990 1991
Barry Hardy Barry Hardy 1995 1995
Neal Hargrove Reno Riggins 1990 1990
Christopher Harris Chris Harris 2000 2001
Donald and Ronald Harris Patrick and Gerald Harris 1999 2001
James Harris Kamala 1995 1995
Richard Harris Big Train Bart 1995 1997
Bret Hart Bret Hart 1997 2000
Gary Hart Gary Hart 1988 1990
James Hart Jimmy Hart 1994 2001
Owen Hart Owen Hart 1991 1991
Hiroshi Hase Hiroshi Hase 1991-1992 1994-1995
Michael Hayner Prince Iaukea
The Artist
1995 2000
Kazuhiro Hayashi Kaz Hayashi 1998 2001
David Heath David Heath 1997 1997
Michael Hegstrand Road Warrior Hawk 1983-1990 1993-1996
Raymond Heenan Bobby Heenan 1994 2000
James Hellwig Warrior 1998 1998
Gregory Helms Shane Helms 1999 2001
Curtis Hennig Curt Hennig 1986 1997-2000
James Herd Jim Herd 1988 1992
Paul Heyman Paul E. Dangerously 1988 1992
Melissa Hiatt Missy Hyatt 1990 1994
Brian Hildebrand Mark Curtis 1995-1999
Mark Hildreth Van Hammer
Major Stash
1991-1993 1994
James Hines Bobby Fulton 1986 1988-1990
Harold Hogue Ice Train
M.I. Smooth
1993-1994 1996-1997
Ian Hodgkinson Vampiro 1998 2000
Barry Horowitz Barry Horowitz 1990 1997-2000
Malia Hosaka Malia Hosaka 1996 1998
Robert Howard Bob Holly 1990 1991
Scott Hudson Scott Hudson 1998 2001
Robert Huffman Kole
Booker T
G.I. Bro
1989 1993-2001
Lash Huffman Kane
Stevie Ray
1989 1991
Curtis Hughes Big Cat
Mr. Hughes
Curtis Hughes
1990 1992
Elizabeth Hulette Miss Elizabeth 1996 2000
Jonathan Hugger Johnny The Bull 1999 2001
April Hunter April Hunter 1999 2000
Curtis Iaukea King Curtis
The Master
1979 1995
Christopher Irvine Chris Jericho 1996 1999
Kanji Inoki Antonio Inoki 1994 1995
Bill Irwin Bill Irwin
The Black Scorpion
1989–1991 1993
Glenn Jacobs Bruiser Mastino 1993 1993
Bradley James Brad Armstrong
1991–1995 1997–2001
Brian James Brian Armstrong 1993 1993
Joseph Melton James Bob Armstrong
Joseph Scott James Scott Armstrong 1992 2001
Steven James Steve Armstrong 1990 1992
Fredrick Jannetty Marty Jannetty 1998 1998
Jeffrey Jarrett Jeff Jarrett 1996–1997 1999–2001
James Janos Jesse Ventura 1992 1994
Mark Jindrak Mark Jindrak 2000 2001
Allen Jones Jason Styles
Air Styles
2001 2001
Michael Jones Curly Bill
Mr. Jones
1996 2000
Paul Jones Paul Jones 1973 1989
Reuben Kane Robert Gibson 1985-1988 1990-1991
Koji Kanemoto Koji Kanemoto 1995 1995
Evan Karagias Evan Karagias 1997 2001
Daryl Karolat Big Sky
1989 1993
William Kazmaier Bill Kazmaier 1991 1991
Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler
Miss Hancock
Nitro Girl Skye
1999 2001
Stephen Keirn Steve Keirn 1975-1976 1986-1987
Robert Kellum Rob Kellum
Gorgeous George III
The Maestro
1993 1995
Wayne Keown Dutch Mantel 1990 1991
Elaine and Diane Klimaszewski Nitro Girls Silver and Gold
Lolli and Pop
1999 2000
Christopher Klucsaritis Chris Kanyon
1995 2001
Robert Knapik Robbie Rage 1996 1998
Dennis Knight Tex Slazenger 1989 1994
Katsumasa Kuroki Tokyo Magnum
Magnum TOKYO
1998 1998
Terrance Ladd Mustafa Saed 1992 1993
Franklin Lancaster Frankie Lancaster 1993–1995 1995–2000
Wallace Lane Stan Lane 1987 1990
Kristina Laum Leia Meow 1999 2001
Joseph Laurinaitis Road Warrior Animal 1982-1990 1993
John Laurinaitis Johnny Ace
Dick Grayson
1987-1990 1993
Mark LeRoux Lash LeRoux
Corporal Cajun
1997 2001
Paul Levesque Jean-Paul Levesque
Terra Ryzin
1994 1995
Edward Harrison Leslie The Booty Man
Brother Bruti
The Disciple
The Man With No Face
The Man With No Name
The Butcher
1994 1999
Scott Levy Raven
Scotty Flamingo
1992–1993 1997–1999
Thomas Lister Jr. Ze Gangsta 1996 1996
Raymond Lloyd Ray Lloyd
Coach Buzz Stern
1989 1996-1999
Vito LoGrasso Big Vito 1999 2001
Martin Lunde Arn Anderson 1984–1988 1989–2001
Jeremy Lynn Jerry Lynn
Mr. JL
1995 1997
Carmel Macklin Ms. Jones
Nitro Girl Chameleon
1999 2001
Victor Mar Manuel Black Cat 1991
Joseph Magliano Joey Maggs 1988 1998
Michael Manna Stevie Richards 1997 1997
James Manley Jim Powers 1991 1996-1998
Michael Maraldo Ace Darling 1997 1997
Debra Marshall Debra McMichael 1996 1997
Troy Martin Shane Douglas 1987-1990 1992-1993
Darren Matthews Steven Regal 1991 1995-1998
Stephen McMichael Steve McMichael 1995 1999
Shannon McNeill Nitro Girl Baby 2000 2000
Marc Mero Johnny B. Badd 1991 1996
Debrah Miceli Madusa 1991–1993 1995–2001
Ernest Miller Ernest Miller 1997 2001
Peter Miller Mongolian Mauler 1994 1994
Nathan Minton Chip Minton 1996 1998-1999
James Mitchell James Vanderberg 1997 1999
Michael Moran Killer
Mean Mike
1997 2001
Rip Morgan Rip Morgan 1987 1991
Jacqueline Moore Jacquelyn 1997 1998
Michael Moore The Motor City Madman 1990 1990
Shannon Moore Shannon Moore 1999 2001
James Morrison J.J. Dillon
James J. Dillon
1984-1989 1997-2001
Richard Morton Richard Morton
Ricky Morton
1983 1985-1988
Louis Mucciolo Jr. Lou Taffiloni
Louie Spicolli
1989 1997-1998
Hoyt Murdoch Dick Murdoch 1974 1977-1978
Keiji Mutoh The Great Muta 1989-1998 2000
Yuji Nagata Yuji Nagata 1997 1998
Chigusa Nagayo Zero 1996 1996
Keiko Nakano Bull Nakano 1995 1996
Nobuyoshi Nakamura Little Dragon 1998 1998
Manabu Nakanishi Kurasawa 1995 1996
Kevin Nash Kevin Nash
Master Blaster Steele
Vinnie Vegas
1990–1992 1996–2001
James Neidhart Jim Neidhart 1993 1997–1999
Paul Neu P. N. News 1988-1989 1991-1992
John Nord John Nord 1997 1998
Anthony Norris Big T 1999 2000
Charles Norris Charlie Norris 1993 1993
Harrison Norris Hardbody Harrison 1995 2001
Kevin Northcutt Kevin Northcutt 1997 2000
Scott Norton Scott Norton 1991 1993
Melinda O'Hearn Midajah 1999 2001
Eugene Okerlund Gene Okerlund 1993 2001
Kazuo Onoo Sonny Onoo 1994 1999
Paul Orndorff Jr. Paul Orndorff 1978-1979 1990
Bob Orton, Jr. Bob Orton, Jr. 1989 1989
Aldo Ortiz Ricky Santana
Ricky Barrio
1986-1989 1991-1992
Manuel Ortiz Ciclope
1996 1999
Matthew Osborne Matt Borne
Big Josh
1980-1982 1991-1992
Nobuhiko Oshima Cima 1998 1998
Fred Ottman The Shockmaster 1993 1994
Shinjiro Otani Shinjiro Otani 1994 1996
Carl Ouellet Carl Oulette 1996 1997
Charles Palumbo Chuck Palumbo 1998 2001
Frank Paris Air Paris 2000 2001
Timothy Parker Powerhouse Parker
Tim Parker
1989 1991
Todd Passmore Barry Houston 1994-1996 1997-1998
Ben Peacock Mambo Warrior
1990 1992
Al Perez Al Perez 1988 1989
Miguel Perez Jr. Miguel Perez Jr. 1992 1996
Darryl Peterson Maxx Payne 1993 1994
Theodore Petty Rocco Rock
The Cheetah Kid
Colonel DeKlerk
Mario Savoldi
1990 1996-1998
Allison Pfau Nitro Girl Syren 2000 2001
Lawrence Pfohl Lex Luger 1987–1992 1995–2001
Brian Pillman Brian Pillman 1989–1994 1994–1996
Craig Pittman Sergeant Craig Pittman 1993 1997
Angelo Poffo Angelo Poffo 1995 1995
Lanny Poffo Lanny Poffo 1976-1977 1995–1999
Randall Poffo Randy Savage
Randy Poffo
1976-1977 1994-2000
Alexander Pourteau Alex Porteau 1989-1990 1997
Harley Race Harley Race 1973
Michael Rapada Mike Rapada 1997 2000
Robert Rechsteiner Rick Steiner 1986-1992 1996-2001
Scott Rechsteiner Scott Steiner 1988-1992 1996-2001
Bruce Reed Butch Reed 1986 1989-1992
Tayo Reed Nitro Girl Tayo 1997 1998
Ronald Reis Reese
Big Ron Studd
Super Giant Ninja
The Yeti
The Yet-Tay
1995-1996 1998
John Richardson Johnny Rich 1989 1994
Thomas Richardson Tommy Rich 1978 1981-1983
Denise Riffle Chastity 1999 1999
John Riker † Ralphus 1998 2000
Sylvester Ritter Junkyard Dog 1988 1993
Charles Robinson Charles Robinson 1997 2001
James Rocha Jim Steele 1993 1994
Bryant Rogowski Bryant Anderson 1993 1993
Alan Rogowski Ole Anderson 1982–1987 1989–1993
Dean Roll Shark Boy 1999 2000
Samuel Roman Kid Romeo 1999-2000 2001
Christopher Romero Chris Youngblood 1990 1991
Mark Romero Mark Youngblood 1990 1991
Richard Rood Rick Rude 1982 1985-1987
Patrick Rose Pat Rose 1989 1994
James Ross Jim Ross 1982 1993
Jeremiah Ross Blitzkrieg 1998 1999
Robert Ross Ranger Ross 1989 1991
Lawrence Michael Rotunda VK Wallstreet
Michael Wallstreet
Mr. Wallstreet
Mike Rotundo
Mike Rotunda
1982-1984 1986-1991
Jacques Rougeau Jr. Jacques Rougeau 1996 1997
Wendell Rozier † Death Row 1990 1992-1993
Martin Ruane Loch Ness 1996 1996
Dustin Runnels Dustin Rhodes
Dustin Runnels
1988-1989 1991-1995
Virgil Runnels Jr. Dusty Rhodes 1991-1998 1999
Sherri Russell Sensuous Sherri
Sister Sherri
Sherri Martel
1994-1997 2000
Vincent Russo Vince Russo
The Powers That Be
1999 2000
Gary Sabaugh Gary Quartanelli
Italian Stallion
1984 1993
Jerome Saganowich Jerry Sags 1990 1993-1997
Hiroyuki Saito Hiro Saito 1991 1994-1996
Masanori Saito Masa Saito 1982 1990-1991
Kazuo Sakurada Kendo Nagasaki
Rising Sun #1
1985 1989-1990
David Sammartino Bruno Sammartino Jr.
David Sammartino
1980-1981 1996
Vanessa Sanchez Nitro Girl Tygress
1998 2001
Michael Sanders Mike Sanders 1998 2000-2001
Hisako Sasaki Akira Hokuto 1995 1997
Kensuke Sasaki Kensuke Sasaki 1991 1996
Meiko Satomura Meiko Satomura 1996 1997
Perry Satullo Saturn
Perry Saturn
1997 2000
Mark Sciarra Rip Rogers 1985 1989-1995
Michael Seitz Michael Hayes 1981-1982 1986-1988
Michael Shaw Norman the Lunatic 1989 1991
David Sheldon Angel of Death
The Black Scorpion
1987 1991
Lawrence Shreve Abdullah the Butcher 1981-1983 1985-1986
Sonny Siaki Sonny Siaki 1999 2000
William Sierra Bill Alfonso
Ronald Simmons Ron Simmons 1989 1994
Dean Simon Dean Malenko 1993 1995-2000
Nelson Simpson Nikita Koloff 1984-1988 1991-1992
Rhonda Sing Nitro Girl Beef
Rhonda Sing
1999 2000
Charles Skaggs 2 Cold Scorpio 1992 1994
Elix Skipper Elix Skipper 1999 2001
Richard Slater Dick Slater 1982-1986 1991-1996
Robert Smedley Bobby Blaze 1997 1999
Aurelian Smith Jr. Jake Roberts 1992 1992
David Smith Davey Boy Smith
British Bulldog
1993 1997–1998
Norman Smiley Norman Smiley 1997 2001
Tracy Smothers Tracy Smothers 1987 1990-1992
Héctor Solano Hector Garza 1997 1999
Douglas Somerson Doug Somers 1991 1991
Charles Spencer Tony Marinara 1999 2000
Daniel Spivey Dan Spivey 1984-1985 1989-1992
Shannon Spruill Daffney 1999 2001
Robert Starr Bobby Starr 1991 1995
Kenneth Stasiowski Kenny Kaos 1996 1999
Herman Stevens, Jr. J. Biggs 1999 2000
Shawn Stipich Shawn Stasiak 2000 2001
Chris Sullivan Chris Sullivan 1995 1995
Kevin Sullivan Kevin Sullivan
The Great Wizard
The Taskmaster
1987-1991 1994-2001
Sharmell Sullivan Paisley
Nitro Girl Storm
1998 2001
John Sutton The Big Kahuna
Sir Oliver Humperdink
Big Daddy Dink
1982-1983 1987
Robert Swenson Ultimate Solution 1996 1996
Tamara Sytch Tammy Lynn Sytch 2000 2000
Robert Szatkowski Robbie V 1992 1993
Debbie Szestecki Debbie Combs
Terry Szopinski The Warlord
Super Assassin #2
1986-1988 1995-1996
Keiji Takayama Gedo 1997 1998
Patrick Tanaka Pat Tanaka
El Gato
1985-1986 1994-1998
Adolfo Tapia La Parka 1996 2000
William Tatum Chase Tatum 1998 1999
David Taylor Dave Taylor 1993 1995-2000
Paul Taylor III Terry Taylor 1981-1982 1985-1988
John Tenta Jr. Avalanche
1994 1997
Curtis Thompson Firebreaker Chip 1987-1989 1991-1993
Scott Thompson Colossal Kong
King Kong
1993 1993
Randall Thornton Swoll 1999 1999
Christopher Tipton Chris Nelson 1993 1996
Nancy Toffoloni Robin Green
1989–1990 1996–1997
Roderick Toombs Roddy Piper 1996 2000
Dale Torborg Dale Torborg
The Demon
1998 2001
Dionisio Torres Psychosis


1996 2000
Eric Tovey Lord Littlebrook
Ray Traylor Jr. Big Bubba
Big Bubba Rogers
Ray Traylor
The Boss
Guardian Angel
1986-1987 1993-1998
Michael Tuite The Wall
Sgt. A.W.O.L.
1999 2001
Robert Turner III Ted Turner
Toshie Uematsu Toshie Uematsu 1997 1997
Joseph Utsler Shaggy 2 Dope 1999 2000
Gertrude Vachon Luna Vachon 1997 1997
Romeo Valentino Romeo Valentino 1995 1995
Sione Vailahi Konga the Barbarian
The Barbarian
Super Assassin #1
1984-1988 1992-1993
Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri The Iron Sheik 1989 1991
Dale Veasey Lieutenant James Earl Wright 1989 1996
Robert Vick Sick Boy
Lance Ringo
Scott Vick
1996 1999
Richard Vigneault Rick Martel 1998 1998
Frank Vizi Bull Pain
Bill Payne
1993-1994 1996
Kevin Wacholz The Prisoner 1985 1993
Robert Walker Bobby Walker 1992 2000
Sean Waltman Syxx 1996 1998
Jeffrey Warner Jeff Warner
JW Storm
The Silencer
1989-1990 1999
William Watts Jr. Bill Watts 1992 1993
Erik Watts Erik Watts 1992-1994 1998-1999
James Watts Mikey Whipwreck 1999 1999
Alicia Webb Symphony 1999 2000
Robert Welch Colonel Robert Parker
Robert Parker
1991 1993-1997
Timothy Well Timothy Well 1996 1998
Pezavan Whatley Pez Whatley
Shaska Whatley
The Shadow
1983-1988 1992-1998
Lawrence Whistler Larry Zbyszko 1975-1976 1985-1989
Anthony White Tony Atlas 1975-1981 1992-1993
Curtis White Frog 2000
Leon White Vader 1990 1995
Matthew Wiese Horshu 1997 1998
Paul Wight II The Giant 1995 1999
Del Wilkes The Patriot 1994 1995
James Williams Jimmy Garvin 1977-1978 1986-1992
Patricia Williams Precious 1986-1988 1992
Steven Williams Steve Williams 1987-1990 1999
Richard Wilson The Renegade 1995 1998
Torrie Wilson Samantha
Torrie Wilson
1999 2000
Barry Windham Barry Windham 1981-1982 1986-1994
Kendall Windham Kendall Windham 1987-1989 1993
Gregory Wisniski Greg Valentine 1976-1984 1992
Brian Wohl Julio Sanchez
Brian Wall
1995 1998
Christi Wolf Asya 1999 2000
Dusty Wolfe Dusty Wolfe 1995 1998
Kelly Wolfe Wolfie D 1999 2000
Alexander Wright Alex Wright
1994 2001
Keiichi Yamada Keiichi Yamada
Jushin Thunder Liger
1991-1992 1994-1996
Brian Yandrisovitz Brian Knobbs 1990 1993-1997
Hiroyoshi Yamamoto Tenzan 1995 1998
James Yun Yun Yang 1999 2001
Thomas Zenk Tom Zenk
Z Man
1989 1994
Tsubasa Tsubasa 1996 1996
  1. ^ Although born with the family name Anderson, his name was changed to Williams in early childhood when he was adopted by his stepfather.
  2. ^ Flair was named Richard Fliehr when he was adopted in infancy through the scandal-ridden Tennessee Children's Home Society, and does not definitively know his birth name.

Other on-air personnel


